
Monday, March 22, 2010

General Questions

  1. What do you mean by Pilot Testing?
  2. What is the difference between usability testing and GUI?
  3. Can you explain me the levels in V model manual?
  4. What is exact difference between Debugging & Testing?
  5. what is the differene between scenario and testcase ?
  6. What is determination?
  7. What is debugging?
  8. What is prototype model in manual testing?
  9. What is compatibility testing?
  10. What is test bed?
  11. What is stub and driver in manual testing?
  12. What is integration testing?
  13. What is unit testing?
  14. Can you explain waterfall model in manual testing?
  15. Can you explain V model in manual testing?
  16. can u explain spiral binding model in manual testing?
  17. What is fish model can you explain?
  18. What is unit testing in manual?
  19. What is test development?
  20. What is port testing?
  21. What is V model can u explain ?
  22. What is BUG Life cycle?
  23. What is system testing?
  24. What is SRS and BRS in manual testing?
  25. What is test metrics ?
  26. What is test strategy who will prepare that one? And what will be there in test strategy?
  27. What is a test plan who will prepare that one?
  28. What is STLC how many phases are there can you explain them?
  29. What is the model of spiral binding in manual testing? Can you explain spiral binding?
  30. What is Review?
  31. What are the objectives of Utility objects?
  32. What is performance testing?
  33. Can u explain the structure of bug life cycle?
  34. What is stress testing?
  35. What is the difference between test scenarios and test strategy?
  36. What is Sanity Test, Adhoc Testing & Smoke Testing? When will use the Above Tests?
  37. How will you review the test case and how many types are there ?
  38. Explain about use case document?
  39. What is the difference between smoke testing and sanitary testing ?
  40. What is Black Box Testing?
  41. What is alpha testing and beta testing ?
  42. What is FSO can you explain?
  43. What are the objectives of debugging?
  44. What is functional testing,system testing,datadriven testing?
  45. How to write a testcase and bugreport?plz expln with an example.
  46. What is mean by gui testing ? What is mean by client/Server? What is meat by web based application ?
  47. what is the Testcase Life Cycle ?
  48. How to test the Microsoft Word 2003. What all the major areas to be tested, please explain.
  49. Difference between bug,error,and defect?
  50. How to do regression testing, and can give one or two examples on that in the same application?
  51. Explain about MicroSoft Six Rules Standardfor User Interface testing?
  52. The role of both QA & QC?
  53. Give exact and appropriate definition of testing.
  54. how to wrtie test case with a minimum of 13 columns.......
  55. how i can do gui testing,what is its important contant,plz tell me all property of Gui testing?
  56. Share a particular project where you have been able to learn enough skills to help with testing? (more for the developers looking to do= testing)
  57. What part of the testing phase is the most important part for testing in the cycle?
  58. How to carry out manual testing for a background process which does't have any user interface ?
  59. what is open beta testing? ans it done at which end? what is the difference b/w open beta testing and beta testing?
  60. What is application entry and exit criteria?
  61. What is visual source safe?


  1. Good blog for the ones who are passionate of testing.
    Very useful for me..
    Great Analysis and collection of testing material.
    Keep posting such kind of blogs. :-)

  2. Really good blog. It is very helpful for me...
    Thanks Saurabh
